About us

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Dr. Pete Savvidis is the founder & CEO of IAMED. Born in Greece but raised and studied in the United States for nearly twenty plus years, out of which four years on research in the medical field. Also worked and trained at the RBH Hospital in the United Kingdom for three years fulfilling the obligations to get a degree in Obstetrics / Gynecology and IVF. Married by now to Dr. Angela Toliopoulou, he returned to his home town in Katerini, Greece, where both started private practice.

Dr. Angela Toliopoulou: Co-founder, Biopathologist, Microbiologist & Embryologist. Head of Quality Control & Quality Assurance. Trained in Greece and at the RBH Hospital in the United Kingdom on the field of Microbiology & Embryology.

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In 2011 IAMED, a 5000m² Medical Technology Production Laboratory was build at the foot hills of Olympus Mountain manufacturing medical devices.
In 2014 inspired by the Mythical Mount Olympus Herbal Heritage, IAMED was Certified by COSMOS and ICADA to manufacture and distribute Natural, Botanical and Organic Cosmetics.

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At the request of our partners, we now provide Private Label and Contract Manufacturing services based on Natural, Botanical and Organic Formulations.

We are a company that is always focused towards excellence, providing high-end NATURAL COSMETIC PRODUCTS & Medical devices used by people around the world.

A natural cosmetic manufacturer that bases all its formulations on pure natural ingredients and organic herbs cultivated mostly on the mount Olympus plateau.

We want to be the most sought after company that will make your dream idea became reality. By using one of our existing formulas or creating a new one we can make you shine at the top of the line. Being at the foothills of Olympus Mountain with hundreds of flowers and herbs we can work with you to create an innovative, unique Natural product.

As a private label company our mission is to reach the highest standards to manufacture safe unique products that will be loved by everyone. We will create a product line for haircare or skincare completely personalized to your concept that will make your brand reach the top.

We support sustainability, reduce environmental degradation, maintain the productivity of the land over time and support the economic viability of local family farms. We are constantly open, honest ethical and genuine.

In order to achieve our objective for excellence:
– We highly invest on human capital, Infrastructure and Systems.
– We hold close collaboration with University Laboratories.
– We aim to increase our foreign markets with innovative products that will satisfy our customers.
– We hold seminars to local formers to increase the quality of organic herbal cultivation on Mount Olympus.

We use Medical Good Manufacturing Practice. In order to produce and offer high quality products, to fit customer needs and fulfill customer expectations, we follow a strict quality control system. Enhance the skills of management and staff through review and ongoing training process. Promote awareness that the achievement to quality depends on all. Improve employee motivation. Customer feedback and satisfaction monitoring, improving productivity, reduce non conformance and increase profit. Increase mutual trust, respect and responsibility for the sake of customer satisfaction. Regular audits of our internal processes.

Our company recognizes the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and not polluted is a benefit to all. We support community events, respect human rights, are committed to equal opportunity as employers and we use environmentally friendly technologies. Our company will continuously improve the way it operates, will be always open to suggestions, be open to ideas and invest in R&D.

We are not doing any discounts for a sustainable environment. We ensure that environmental issues are properly assessed and considered when key decisions are taken about supply chains, processes and new product development. We use energy and natural resources wisely and efficiently, eliminate and minimize waste, and reuse and recycle wherever practical.